Thursday, October 27, 2011

Steamed Cream Dory ala TRS

Steamed Dory ala TRS

1 kilo of Cream Dory (Frozen)
6 cloves garlic, minced
4 laddles kikoman soy sauce
6 laddles olive oil
1/2 cup celery, chopped
1/2 cup ginger, grated
2 - 3 Liters water

Cooking Instructions:

1. Heat water in a wide pan, but do not boil
2. Put in fish and cook for 30 mins.
3. Drain water from fish
4. Put the fish in a wide platter and sprinkle the grated ginger
5. Heat olive oil in a small pan
6. Pour in 4 laddles of olive oil on top of the fish followed by kikoman
7. Heat excess oil again and toast minced garlic
8. Garnish fish with toasted garlic and celery

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