Friday, January 04, 2013

McNose Fusilli Pasta in veggies and chicken fillet

Fusilli Pasta with Veggies

1 cup fusilli pasta (Three edged spiral pasta)
3 pcs medium sized chicken breast fillet, cut into cubes
1 small sized onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
12 pcs shrimps, peeled and deveined (optional)
1 pc medium sized carrot, cut into cubes
1 medium sized brocolli floret
1 medium sized bell pepper, cut into strips
1/2 cup dried mushroom, rehydrated, cut into strips
1/2 tbsp ground pepper
1/2 tbsp salt
1/2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup oyster sauce
1/2 cup sesame oil

Cooking Instructions:

1. Cook pasta according to label instructions, keep aside
2. Boil 1/2 liter of water, and blanche carrot and brocolli, keep aside
3, Marinate chicken fillet and shrimps with a dash of ground pepper, salt and sesame oil (separated containers)
4. In a wok, heat sesame oil and stir fry onion, garlic, bell pepper, mushroom and chicken (wait until chicken is cooked)
5. Add ground pepper and salt according to taste
6. Add worcestershire sauce
7. Add shrimps, wait until color becomes orange
8. Add Carrots and Brocolli
9. Add Oyster Sauce
10. Remove from heat, add Pasta and mix well


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